Saturday, December 19, 2009

Children's book illustrations coming soon!

Watercolor Portrait

watercolor portrait

After having everything done for school, I finally have time to sit down and paint for family.
This was to be a wedding gift but now becomes a Xmas present. Love doing it, she's such a lovely bride.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Portrait in watercolor

water color portrait

Spent half of a day painting the portrait for my uncle. In memory of my aunt.
Sad subject, so I'm hoping that she looks happy in the picture.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

ill3 final!

See what you can find in here :) Flipping fish tail, shower water,

three versions of Timmy, move the bubbles to see a submarine....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Clothed figure 4 final portfolio

Fall 2009 Instructo...
By Christine Shin-Ch...

This is my final for clothed figure4, a portfolio from the class.
 Great way to publish your work. People can actually purchase your book online.